The benefits of meditating with gems & crystals

Nov 17 2021

Crystals are consciousness keys. Living beings that interact with our energy. The crystals come from the Earth; They are part of the mineral world. They are sarcophagi of consciousness. Elements of great beauty.

What power do crystals have?

Formed in the heart of the Earth, thousands and thousands of years ago, crystals house, inside, high-frequency vibratory and healing energies, which we can turn to to renew the body, calm the mind, balance emotions and connect with the soul.

Crystals need an intention.

They are sources of great wisdom, speaking to us in the language of energy. Every crystal has a vital function, something to contribute, an element to work on. However, its power is only activated if the user is open to drinking in its wisdom. They are the key of consciousness that opens doors of wisdom.

Every key needs a hand to be taken to the lock: that hand is the intention that is planted. It is the will to want to see beyond appearances. To work with one's own consciousness.

amethyst point meditation

Although each crystal has certain particular characteristics and some tend to be more suitable than others to work with certain aspects of life, at Vegan Expedition we like to say that crystals find you . That suddenly, without really knowing why, you feel a visceral attraction for one of them in particular. The crystal has chosen its owner and its owner must be open to this mystery.

From there begins a precious coexistence between both living beings: their energies begin to interact and intertwine, vibrational changes begin to be felt, the energy field is altered and the self-development work begins.

Crystals are interaction bridges.

These mineral elements can also be considered as interactive bridges between the physical world and the spirit . They are consciousness catalysts that facilitate dealing with the soul. Its physical properties are scientifically proven. Its energetic properties are true and authentic.

white quartz point meditation

It is for this reason, for this work of interaction, that crystals can influence our meditation . They can raise the vibrations of our energy field, allowing us to deepen the work we do. Some crystals help to clean our aura, others to expand our gaze. Some crystals root us, others caress us. Some have a powerful effect on our body, and others just sustain it. Something fundamental when meditating with crystals is that there is no perfect way to do it . As with meditation itself, they do not understand the language of opposites: for them everything has a correct purpose . Sometimes beautiful rituals can be created around them; other days, we'll just sit for a few seconds because we're in a rush. There are days that will be part of our morning routine, and other days that we will simply have close to work...

The use of crystals is intimate and very personal, very versatile and universal. Each one is, as in each meditation, a teacher. Fluctuating with them and adapting to day-to-day events shows us something very beautiful: that everything is correct. That nothing is inappropriate. And that being free means that.

Crystals should not enslave us; like meditation or rituals. They must be our companions. Friends who support and accompany us in our daily lives .

Still, from Vegan Expedition and our own experience, we would like to share with you a series of small meditative rituals with different crystals and gems. You can take them or leave them. You can experience them or ignore them. Everything's fine. Crystals, like meditation, will never judge you. They will always accompany you.

Small rituals with Crystals.

Light your incense and let its smoke surround your body and the place where you are going to meditate. Allow its purifying energy to raise the vibrational frequency that sustains you here and now. Sit in front of your altar and look at the crystal that you have felt you need to use today.

Meditation to work on Self-Love with Rose Quartz:

Sit in a comfortable and dignified posture.

Keep your back straight.

Relax your shoulders and lengthen your neck.

Close your eyes and breathe for a few moments.

Feel the air go through your body.

You can place your rose quartz in your hand or leave it where it is.

Let its energy connect with your own energy.

May its loving properties connect with your heart.

Feel how the crystal brings you calm, well-being and happiness.

Let it heal your emotional wounds.

May your compassion awaken to love without any kind of restriction.

Let the energy of love penetrate your interior.

Stay in this elevated state for as long as you feel appropriate.

smoky quartz meditation

Meditation to work Gratitude with Smoky Quartz:

Sit in a comfortable and dignified posture.

Keep your back straight.

Relax your shoulders and lengthen your neck.

Close your eyes and breathe for a few moments.

Feel the air go through your body.

You can place your smoky quartz in your hand or leave it where it is.

Let its energy connect with your own energy.

May its protective properties keep you away from negativity.

Feel how the crystal radiates peace, harmony and mental clarity.

Now think of something for which you are grateful. Something that has made you smile. Maybe it's the simple act of breathing, maybe it's a look exchanged with someone special, or the hot coffee this morning.

Let the energy of gratitude penetrate every cell in your body.

Stay in this elevated state for as long as you feel appropriate.

Meditation to work on Communication with Drusa Celestina:

Sit in a comfortable and dignified posture.

Keep your back straight.

Relax your shoulders and lengthen your neck.

Close your eyes and breathe for a few moments.

Feel the air go through your body.

You can place your matchmaker druse in your hand or leave it where it is.

Let its energy connect with your own energy.

May its healing properties communicate with you.

Feel how the crystal radiates peace, awakens your creativity and desire to communicate the truth. Visualize its energy reaching your throat. It relieves her of tension. He loosens his oppression. Let the energy of communication expand. Let everything unsaid come out. Release the fear of speaking. And allow yourself to communicate.

Stay in this elevated state for as long as you feel appropriate.

amethyst point meditation

Meditation to make a Decision with Amethyst Point:

Sit in a comfortable and dignified posture.

Keep your back straight.

Relax your shoulders and lengthen your neck.

Close your eyes and breathe for a few moments.

Feel the air go through your body.

You can place your amethyst point in your hand or leave it where it is.

Let its energy connect with your own energy.

May its spiritual properties connect with your soul.

Feel how the crystal gives you more mental clarity. Feel how the mineral facilitates your entry into the astral world.

Visualize its energy reaching your third eye.

Feel how your intuition awakens.

How does it help you make a decision?

Stay in this elevated state for as long as you feel appropriate. The wisest decisions arise from a paused look.

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