
Ritual Cierre de Año 2023: reflexiona sobre tu vida y suelta lo que no necesitas.

Connect with the energy of New Year's Eve: reflect on your life and let go of what you don't need.

Dec 06

The month of December is a closing period. After the year lived, one has the opportunity to reflect on what happened. The sp...

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Astrología y Navidad

The perfect gift according to each sign of the zodiac

Dec 16

Gifting is an act of great love and a very beautiful gesture , which can sometimes be affected by the result. Because, let's ...

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El poder detrás de las gemas

The power behind the gems

Apr 27

In these convulsed times that humanity is going through, we must work with all the tools that nature offers us to heal, take ...

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Potencia el poder energético de los ciclos lunares

Enhances the energetic power of lunar cycles

Mar 23

Power the energy of the moon with our herbal baths  Water can absorb the energy of thoughts and intentions, as well as differe...

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La importancia de tener un ritual de amor propio

The importance of having a self-love ritual

Feb 10

Cultivating your self-love is essential to living consciously and thus being able to be connected with your soul. If you do, y...

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